
kika olelo lesson three


Example Sentences:

1) oya lona lii.          1) I look at you.
2) cokolat loa mora lii.  2) I really want the chocolate.
3) ni cokolat mik`me lii. 3) I like my chocolate.
4) zi olu`olu cha lona.   4) Your gaze is pleasant.
5) zi &ina na kena.       5) My work is happy.

Simple Verb Sentences

Kika olelo is an OVS language; the object comes first, then the verb, then the subject. Adverbs precede verbs.

Object  adverb  verb   subject
 oya           lona   lii
 cokolat  loa  mora   lii

At and Ter
Both of these words translate as "or" in english. at is used when either of the two options is possible, but not both at once. ter is used when either of the options is possible and both are also possible at once.

cokolat - chocolate
ka`i - to swim
kena - to work
lona - to look
mik`me - to like, enjoy
mora - to want
olu`olu - cool, pleasant, nice
poku - rock

to eat
to sleep
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